Monday, 13 February 2012

Life | 6 Little Things....

It is 12:10am AEDT and I can't sleep. So I started thinking, what are the thing that I haven't been able to live with out since I have moved to Australia??And so I found 6 Little Things.

1| Cupcake Timer. This baby has been AMAZING to have around! Because University is very independent with you having to study in your own time, I have been using this timer to time how long I spend on each unit/how long I have fluffing around my room doing pointless things. Plus it serves as a really cute ornament!

2| 'Forever Alone' Teapot-teacup set. When everything has been getting crazy and hectic between social life and organising my uni studies it has been a gift from heaven to sit down and have a nice hot cup of peppermint tea. Also it has been nice to snuggle up into my bed with a steaming cup of tea on the occasional cold Canberra day.
My very loving parents bought this for me knowing how much I LOOOOVE my tea. I also have this on display in my room because 1. It is too damn cute to store away and 2. It makes my room look more homely and girly and less Dungeon-esque.

3| My Handy-Dandy Diary. Having a diary once you hit University is a must if you want to stay on top of everything! Also, unlike high school, University classes can be moved, changed, switched rooms or be canceled meaning every week is different and you can't really stick to a particular timetable or schedule. I never go anywhere with out this baby.

4| My Teddies. Yes, I do know that there are 3 things in this but, deal with it. But going from left to right:
1. My very first teddy EVER, bought from the hospital shop. Personally I think it is in pretty darn good condition seeing as it is going on 18 years.
2. JENNY BEAR! This teddy bear was bought for me by my favourite Grandma EVER, Grandma Wendy, when I was born. I even have a birth certificate and everything. I have also had this teddy for forever and a day.
3. Bo. Yes Bo. He is very special. My mum bought this bear for me when I was going off to boarding school at the tender age of 9 and she put a picture of me and my cat in the little pocket. 8 years later and we have both grown so much! Love my Madge.

This photo has two-in-one. BUT!
5| My St. Andrew's College Leavers ring. This ring is really important to me because, at a risk of sounding corny/cliche and all that marshmellowy stuff, this keeps all my friend back in New Zealand close to my heart so I haven't felt so alone and lost while trying to get my bearings in this very foreign  country.

6| Gold Heart Locket Bracelet. I was given this bracelet by my parents, so just like the ring, it is keeping my family close as they are now a couple of thousand kilometres away, oppose to only an hour and a half when I was at boarding school.

I have been feeling a little homesick every now and then when I think about what everyone else is doing, and when I realise that it is going to be a very long time until I see everyone again, but wearing these two very small pieces of jewelry keep me from having a metal breakdown in front of my Chemistry 1A lecture of 500 people. Thinking about every one also makes me SUPER-DUPER excited for when I will next see them and all the things that I have stored up in my little brain to tell them!!

To there they were, the '6 Little Things' that I wouldn't have been able to survive with out over the past couple of weeks in Australia.

Until next time.

(just had to add a photo of the sexy white brick wall that was my backdrop for this post. Love uni halls. Such class, such elegance!!)

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