Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Living | Simmering Wax and Oil.

A few weeks ago I had a sleep-over with a girl that I work with after a really long shift where I was way too tired to drive home (How prep-school of us!). The first thing that I though when I stepped through the door was that her place smelt so damn yummy! When I asked her how her house managed to smell like vanilla she promptly showed me her wax simmering pot. From that point on I was determined to buy my own wax simmering kit. So yesterday, whilst I was shopping up a storm, I popped into Acquisitions and bought 4 Time & Again Waffle Bar Simmering Wax Squares.

As you can see I bought Winter Apple, Vanilla Chocolate Bark, Apricot Peach and Sugared Cupcake! They all cost $8.99NZD each. I have already used a square of the Sugared Cupcake and it smell DELIGHTFUL! One square can burn for HOURS and the scent has managed to find it's way around my WHOLE house. And my house isn't small. It is crazy.
I bought a tealight oil burner from Briscoes for $6NZD (Down from $15NZD. BARGAIN!!!) It came as a box set with 1 oil burner, a tealight candle and 1lavender scented simmering wax square, but the wax smelt like really bad soap so I threw it away.

I think that it look really nice and clean.So happy with it! And I am burning the Sugared Cupcake wax. I only put one square in and it has been burning for hours, and I swear it hasn't become any smaller…. AMAZING.

I am actually not a stranger to the concept of simmering scents. A couple of years ago I bought a Cinnamon oil burning kit fir the Cinnamon Clove Company. It came with a small oil burner, a few tealight candles, a 10mL vial of Cinnamon extract, Cinnamon bath salts and a Cinnamon scented facial towel. I became addicted straight away and used it religiously! But for some reason I forgot about it, and thanks to the lovely girl at work I have fallen back involve with oil burning.

The burner itself I love because it is so cute and rustic looking. To use an oil burner you simply put water in the bowl, and put a few drops of the oil in the water, watch the water boil and the oil disperse!
Unlike wax simmering, where I just want the nice smell, I use oil burning for more medicinal purposes.

I have 4 oils Which are; Cinnamon (Price unknown), Peppermint ($16.99NZD for 10mL vial), Orange ($12.99NZD for 10mL vial) and Cocoa Vanilla and Cassia ($12.99NZD for 20mL vial). The Peppermint, Orange and Coca Vanilla and Cassia are all from The Aromatherapy Co. and I bought them all from Living and Giving.
I really like The Aromatherapy Co. because all of their ingredients and products are all natural and free from mineral oils, paragons, sodium sulphates, artificial fragrance, dyes and artificial colours and, most importantly to me, free of any animal testing. The Aromatherapy Co. are also a member of the 1% for the Planet movement, where they donate 1% of their annual profits to environmental organisations.
Also, an added bonus for myself it that it is 100% made in New Zealand! (Go you good thing!)

But back to the oils themselves.
As I said before each oil has their own specific medicinal benefits, and on The Aromatherapy Co. vials they tell you all about these benefits.
Peppermint- "Peppermint helps people become clear headed and refreshed the spirit. Beneficial for people who are unable to concentrate or have metal fatigue." I have been burning this when I have to do my Chemistry study for university, and weirdly, it works.

Orange (My personal favourite)- "Orange can help to calm you, inducing sleep. It is wonderful with helping to dispel depression, promoting a bright, positive mood." I have been getting into a habit of burning the orange oil about 20 minutes before I want to sleep to relax me and I just blow out the candle when I am ready to sleep and it has been doing WONDERS.

Coca Vanilla and Cassia- "A natural blend of Cocoa Vanilla & Cassia to harmonise and balance the senses. This blend can create a sense of comfort and reassurance, reducing stress and help combat exhaustion." I always burn this on cold winters dates where I just want to relax and read a book. So delightful.

The cinnamon didn't come with a little blurb, but I do like burning it when I am having a bath, I even some times put a few drops in the water!

I have been keeping all my waxes and oils in the cute little box that the Cinnamon kit came in. I really want to make a label for it, but I don't really have any idea's what I want it to look like….

So rustic, so simple. fits everything PERFECTLY.

Wow a long post. Now to do some Chemistry study with my Peppermint oil!

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